Counselling CodesEAMCET Code: GCPK / PGECET Code: GCPK1

Gender Sensitization Cell

As per the directions of PCI and JNTUH, the college has constituted Gender Sensitization Cell

Women welfare /Sexual harassment eradication committee

S. NoNamesDesignationMembersFunctions & Responsibilities
1Mrs. Ch. SumalathaAssistant professorCoordinator 1. To organize the programs on gender equality on a regular basis.
2. To conducted Seminars on Gender Sensitization for all faculties and students.
3. To conduct self-defense workshop for all girls.
2Mrs. S. RaniAssistant ProfessorMember
3Mrs. V. SanthoshiniAssistant ProfessorMember
4Mrs. S.D. ShaliniAssistant ProfessorMember
5Mrs. B. AnjaliLab assistantMember
6Mrs. B. ShivajyothiLab assistantMember
7Ms. C. PravalikaStudentMember
8Ms. G. AlekyaStudentMember
9Ms. M. Shiva archanaStudentMember
10Ms. M. RamyaStudentMember

7.1.1. Annual gender sensitization activities 2023-24

7.1.1. Annual gender sensitization activities 2022-23

Gender Equity Measures

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