Counselling CodesEamcet-GCTC / M.Tech-GCTC1 / MBA–GCTC

About IQAC

In the context of Autonomous Status that has been conferred to the college, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college gains paramount importance to ensure quality in all aspects. Therefore, IQAC activities play significant role in providing quality learning experience to students, enrichment of teaching satisfaction to faculty and staff.

IQAC Activities currently conducted are:

  • Collecting feedback from all stake holders
    • Faculty on Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) imparted and achieved (Yearly)
    • Staff on students' behaviour (Yearly)
    • Students on
      • Course Outcomes (COs) achieved through course end survey (Once a semester)
      • Teaching Effectiveness (Twice a semester, once after three weeks of the commencement of semester and another in the penultimate week of the semester) and their impact
      • Services provided in academic section, administrative section, examination section, etc.
    • Recruiters on PEOs and POs achieved by students (Yearly)
    • Alumni on PEOs and POs achieved and their impact on their profession (Yearly)
    • Parents (Yearly)
    • Professional Bodies on the relevance of PEOs and POs and the achievement of the same by students (Yearly)
    • Society on the relevance of PEOs and POs and their impact on society (Yearly)
  • Conducting Academic Audit (Yearly)
    • Departmental Assessment Committee (DAC) Minutes and Reports
    • Program Assessment Committee (PAC) Minutes and Reports
    • Minutes of the meeting of Program coordinator with course coordinators
    • Minutes of the meeting of Course coordinator with faculty teaching the same course
      • Quality of TLP
        • Quality of Assignments
        • Quality of Question Papers
        • Profile of External Examiners (Theory and Lab)
        • Quality of Teaching (Includes weekly reports on topics taught and impact on student performance)
        • Mentoring of Faculty by course coordinator / senior faculty (Group Head) and its impact
        • Evaluation in Internal Examinations
        • Continuous Evaluation and its impact
        • Quality of Laboratory Manuals
        • Quality of Course Files
        • Lab records submitted by students
        • Training Need Analysis of Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), audit of FDPs conducted and their impact
        • Quality of Students' Projects
        • Attendance registers maintained by faculty
        • Industry - Institute - Interaction and its impact
        • EDC activities conducted and their impact
    • Center for Academic and Career Guidance (CACG)
      • CACG activities and their impact
    • Center for Soft Sills Development (CSSD)
      • CSSD activities and their impact
    • Center for Training and Placements (CTP)
      • CTP activities and their impact
    • Mentoring Performed
      • Mentor Reports and their impact
    • Supplemental Skills Provided to Students
      • Student Development Programs (SDPs) in the form of workshops conducted and their impact
      • Employability Skills and their impact
      • NSS Activities and their impact on students' outlook
    • Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and their impact
      • Professional bodies (ISTE, IEEE, CSI, IETE, SAE, etc)
      • Programming Club
      • Literary Club
      • Mathematical Club
      • Fine arts and cultural club
      • Photography club
      • Environmental Club
      • Sports and Games
    • Conducting Audit on Maintenance and Infrastructure facilities (Yearly)
      • Laboratories
      • Library facilities
      • Sports facilities
      • Transport facilities
      • Canteen
      • Classrooms
      • Examination Section
        • Record Maintenance
          • Last Three Years Answer Books (Internal)
          • Last Three Years Question Papers (Internal and external)
          • Internal Marks Sent to Affiliating University (JNTUH)
          • University Laboratory Examination Answer Books (Last Five Years)
          • Marks award lists
          • Student Attendance
            • Uploaded fortnightly
            • Semester wise for the last three years
            • Attendance registers of the last three years
      • Campus Maintenance
      • Stock Verification
  • Audit of
    • Self Appraisals of faculty and staff
    • Faculty Publications
    • Department News letters
    • College Technical Magazine

IQAC Members

IQAC Members 2022-23

IQAC Members 2021-22

IQAC Members 2020-21

IQAC Members 2019-20

IQAC Members 2018-19

IQAC Members 2017-18

AQAR Reports

AQAR 2021-22

AQAR 2020-21

AQAR 2019-20

AQAR 2018-19

AQAR 2017-18

Annual Reports

IQAC 2022-23

IQAC 2021-22

IQAC 2020-21

IQAC 2019-20

IQAC 2018-19

IQAC 2017-18

IQAC 2016-17

AAA and ATR Reports

AAA & ATR 2022-23

AAA & ATR 2021-22

AAA and ATR Report 2020-21

IQAC 2020-21 Data

IQAC 2020-21 Data

IQAC 2021-22 Data

IQAC 2021-22 Data

IQAC Minutes

IQAC Minutes of Meeting 2022-23

IQAC Minutes of Meeting 2021-22

IQAC Minutes of Meeting 2017-21

Best Practices

Best Practices 2022-23

Best Practices 2021-22

Best Practices 2020-21

Best Practices 2019-20

Best Practices 2018-19

Institute Distinctiveness to its vision

Institute Distinctiveness to its vision

Student Satisfaction Survey

Student Satisfaction Survey 2022-23

Student Satisfaction Survey 2021-22

Student Satisfaction Survey 2020-21

Student Satisfaction Survey 2019-20

External Peer Team Review

External Peer Team Review


SSR Report 2022

SSR Report 2017

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